2018/10/11 - 11/04 Our neighbours are taking over: growing, harvesting, cooking, dining, celebrating, shiting and peeing @ the Sustainer. Including japanese Ramen, stuffed paprika, sweet chestnuts, cakes, herbal tea and more..
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2018/10/03 Our lovely second community dinner took place beginning of October. Together with 2 families around, the Sustainer got turned into a playground as well. The garden continued to provide for most of the veggies, as well as herbs. Noodles, grains and drinks were added, brought along from outside.
2018/09/22 One week after the exhibition opening, we had our first community dinner @ the Sustainer, together with workshop participants and further interested people from the neighbourhood and beyond.
The vegetables harvested from the Sustainer garden: paprika, big zucchini, mini carrots, tomatoes, salad, ruccola, mint, rosemarin, green onion, calendula, kapuzinercresse, sunflowers. We added ingredients brought along from the outside: doe, noodles and grains. 18/09/10 - Test running the Sustainer: Gardening - Cooking - Eating - ...
2018/09/15 A Terra Preta workshop according to permaculture principles was conducted by Brian and Conrad. On the basis of permaculture design principles we followed up on the Terra Preta production on site, via pyrolyses stoves and dry toilets. We finished with slow-cooking a wonderful meal, based on zuchini, sweet pepper, spring onions, koriander and edible flowers freshly harvested in the Sustainer Garden and filtered rain water.
2018/09/13 The Sustainer has been officially launched for the first time with the opening of `Inside Ecologies´ at the Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf. Being an interactive part of the exhibition, the in real-life functioning Sustainer itself is being exhibited and demonstrated, as well as a presentation on its design strategy and principles. We had a fun night out at the Sustainer, accompanied by some disco and percussion tunes from our exhibiting neighbours, Morgenvogel Real Estate and Taka Kagitomi. It included demonstrating the pyrolyses stoves, cooking some tea and small snacks, consisting of veggies from the Sustainer garden, while producing biochar.
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November 2020
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